Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City junk removal

Junk pickup shouldn't cost a fortune.

rated 5 of 5
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Price for approx. one 🛻 truck load
Junk Llama

Our price

Easy peasy junk removal

Step 1: Snap It

Snap a quick pic of your junk pile. That's all! No need to schedule a visit before you get a price.

Step 2: Get Your Price

No need to schedule a visit for a quote you won't like. Just text us a picture of your junk and we will respond with a price.

Step 3: We Haul the Junk

Sit back and relax. We swoop in, grab your junk, and leave you with more space and more cash in your pocket.

Junk removal that's cheaper, faster, I-can't-believe-how-easy-that-was-ier.

📸 Send a pic, get a price
No shady fees

No sneaky charges. Just honest, upfront pricing that won't break the bank.

Actually affordable

Our prices are the lowest in town. Go ahead, compare and see the magic happen.

Ridiculously easy

Get a quote from your couch. Pick a time that suits you. We make junk removal ridiculously easy.

Tired of getting ripped off on junk removal?

Check out how we stack up.

Prices for approximately one full 🛻 pickup truck of junk

Junk Llama$129
Junk King$238

Jenny E.

5 out of 5 stars

"Best decision ever! Saved so much cash compared to other options in Salt Lake."

Sean A.

5 out of 5 stars

"Transparent pricing, killer service. Can't recommend Junk Llama enough!"

Ready to ditch the junk?

Text us a picture of your junk pile and we'll give you the price. No bologna!

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